S e s s i o n s
I believe in energies, the energies within us, in our internal world as well as the energies that surrounds us, our external world and that we need to have this continuously flow of energies merging, connecting, giving and receiving in order for us to be in the greatest energetic balance of our soul, body and mind ind the world that we live in.
We can’t help but being affected from our believes, other peoples believes and our surroundings. Emotions are simply energy in motion. When we hold on to something that isn’t serving us no more it creates an energetic stagnation, which how I see it can create all sorts of energetic imbalances in our lifes. Every session is different. I allow the flow, or lac there off, in energies to be guiding me through and towards how I can help you, help yourself; Body, mind and soul as one, in the highest and best way for you, in that given moment of time and space. When you surrender to yourself and your own energies, you will find your way, you will heal.
It cannot righteously be described in words, it is felt. It is known.
According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) everything is connected. Yin/yang, the cosmos/chaos, the darkness/light, the sun/ moon, body/mind/soul and if we experience physical pain in our body it may be caused by energetic stagnation - energy that is not able to move freely - emotions.
How you define and perceive the word healing, is not particular of relevance, since that is how you feel and may only makes sense to you. I will not take out a magic wand and swing it over your head and “fix you”, making all your problems disappear. Nothing is wrong with you, and I believe that however we feel, is perfectly okay. We always have a choice to stay in whatever emotion we feel, or we can chose to move forward and release ourselves from the fears and restrictions holding us back.
As long as you are open to being pressent and open to the idea of change, change to get to where it is that you desire to go, then the healing has already begun. Often we simply just need a guiding hand to lead us towards the direction we have chosen, but may not yet be able to see clearly.
I look at the energies over all and allow my intuition, my sight, my spirits and the energies of the universe to guide me through the session. Looking at your energies, asking what it is that you need in that given moment, I may be asking you various questions in order for you to help create the connection between body, mind and soul, all in the highest and best way for you. I may combine the session with acupressure, pulsation and movement of your physical body depending on what it is that you need.
Online Energy reading & Healing Sessions:
Since energy is a constant flow, electrons, movement, connection, talking and interaction with one an other, it is not necessary to be in the same room, in order for me establish the connect to you. Healing can be done from a far. Have you ever experienced thinking of a person, and in that exact moment your phone rings, calling you is that very same person that you just thought of?
Little unexplainable things in life, you simply just know, sense it or feel it.
Online sessions will of course not include the actual physical part, but truth is, it is just as effective, but since we are also just humans, sometimes it may feel a little more tangible to actual feel and know what is going on, when your brain can connect to the application af a physical touch, since the holistic & spiritual realms may feel and seem a little too far out of the tangible reach for many.
Regardless of whatever obstacle you feel you have reached, a guiding hand and a clear sight may just be what you need. The healing process is happening when we are able to redirect and become aware of our hindering beliefs, whatever it is holding us back, from moving forward in our lives. In order for us to grow, move on and evolve, we need to look within, to become aware and to allow the process of healing and the process of growth.
To start : Short talk about you and why you have showed up.
The session : You will be lying on a treatment table, covered in a blanket.
What to wear : Underwear. Light loose garments are also fine, shorts and t-shirt are also fine if you are more comfortable with that.
Time : In total around 75 minutes. From entering, to leaving the room again.
Note : Every session is different, given that our energies shifts throughout the day. Intuitively I will connect to you and allow myself to be guided through what seems right for you, in that very given moment.