Shine Bright
How can we live our lifes fully in our truest and highest potential? Are we not always gifted with a choice? Perhaps if we dare to look a little closer, we can allow ourself to see the truth, our own truth. As individuals we always have a choice, even if that sometimes means that the answer we seek is perhaps not always the one that we had hoped nor wished for, but if we allow to sit with it for just a moment, maybe even a while then maybe we can remember that the universe always works in our favour. Even the times where it may seem as the darkest hour.
But every now and then, our mind tends to favour the outcome of our choices in life. By that I mean, since we are just humans, somehow our brain thinks that it on its own is much more cleaver than our body - that is my perspective on life, in an energetic way at least.
In reality we need to find that balance within, so that we can connect with our surroundings. Our bodies are a part of our spirit and soul, this is where the truth lies. If we can succeed in finding an energetic balance within, body, mind and soul, then dare I say, perhaps suddenly life may seem a lot more notable, easy and effortlessly. We are more than capable of living in our truest potenital, living the life of our dreams.
Do you trust in yourself. Do you trust yourself enough to dare being vulnerable and being completely honest, by listening to yourself and by doing so daring to show the purest form of yourself, not only to yourself but also to your surroundings - do you truly shine your light, on the souls that crosses your path? Or do you belittle yourself, by holding back your shine?
In order for you to shine, also means accepting and loving even the parts of you, that your brain somehow has convinced you is less desirable.
Do you believe in yourself? Besides yourself, then what is holding you back?
Are you not only responsible for yourself?
How we act, project and react is our own responsibility. And if we strive to live in the highest potential of one self, then maybe we will discover and be able to see the grand picture, and not only what seems to be right in from of our nose, perhaps then we are able to see things in a different light, and therefor act in an entirely different way, that we might be tempted to at first. It is so easy to project on to others, letting go of responsibility, belittling your light and sink to a lower level in vibrations.
Standing stil. By standing stil, only for a moment, allow yourself to breath. To be breathing fully breathing in the life that YOU want to live. What is it that you need? Take a moment to stand stil, clear your mind, breath and trust the answers that you will be receiving. Even if it might not make any sense at all. Eventually it will. The deeper you dive, the further you get to living in your most beautiful truth and potential, you will get to see the entire picture, and not only a tiny piece of it. You are the puzzle-master of your own puzzle - your masterpiece. Now go shine bright and raise your vibration.
My Educational Background
I have a long list of various educations behind me. I studied brand building and thought I was going to work in the fashion industry. Long story short, besides my dance education, I’m educated a personal trainer and have worked with clients for many years both with training and nutrition. Slowly I went more the holistic and yogi way and have more than 600 hr of various forms of yoga teacher trainings behind me. Besides Yoga I’m also trained in classical comprehensive Pilates, TRX, barre training, Aerial, mobility movement etc. Further more I’m also educated as a Body therapist. Energy work wise I’m educated in Theta Healing (Basic, Advanced, Intuitive Anatomy, Disease & disorder, You & your relationship 1-4, Game of life, DNA 3), Emotional Release and in Crystal Layout viewing in London. And as for now I’m studying to become an acupuncturist in traditional Chinese medicin. Now, I not particularly interested in telling you more about my long list of where about, not because I don’t want, but Im simply much more interested in how I can help in the highest and best way for you. I’m here to help you find your own light, so that you can walk the path of your dreams.